A Holistic Approach to Physical and Mental Health

The Star Guides diet and food systems focus on metabolic health as we are increasingly aware of the
connection between good metabolic health and good mental health. For this reason, Star Guides places
an emphasis on the importance of diet on physical and emotional health. Clients are provided with
nutrition- dense foods that include daily fresh seasonal vegetables and fruit daily that contribute to
menu variety as well as keep pack weight to a minimum.
All meals are dietician approved and clients gain education in nutrition, the value of healthy eating, and
develop cooking skills as they cook all of their own meals with the assistance of staff. Recent research
connects symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders to poor food choices.
Clients come to appreciate the change in diet and the benefits that come from clean eating. We avoid
the use of Ultra processed foods– Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are foods that have been significantly
changed from their original state and are made using industrial processes. They are often made from
substances extracted from food, such as oil, fat, sugar, starch, and protein. Common UPF’s include
Breakfast cereals, Chips, Chocolate, Candy, Ice cream, Sweetened drinks, Chicken nuggets, Hotdogs, and
Fries. Eating too many UPFs can be linked to a number of health issues, including obesity, diabetes,
depression, anxiety, increased stress, and substance use disorders.
At Star Guides, we are fanatical about the importance of hydration. During the hot months, clients
consume four quarts daily and in the cooler months, clients consume three quarts daily. After
participating in our daily structure, and experiencing the value of being hydrated, many clients realize
that they have neglected to stay hydrated in the past.

Staying hydrated has many health benefits both physical and emotional, including:
Metabolic health: When you are dehydrated, your brain can mistake thirst for hunger, which can lead to consuming extra calories.
Physical performance: Dehydration can lead to decreased endurance and muscle function.
Temperature regulation: When you are dehydrated, your body stores more heat, making it harder to
tolerate hot temperatures. Staying hydrated helps you produce sweat to cool your body down.
Headaches: Dehydration is a common cause of headaches.
Energy: When you are dehydrated, your body works more slowly, making you feel tired.
Digestion: Staying hydrated helps your body produce gastric acid, which helps dissolve fats and soluble
fiber. This can help regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation.
Skin health: Staying hydrated provides your skin with moisture and flushes out toxins. This can improve
your skin elasticity and color.
Other benefits of staying hydrated include:
Improved sleep quality
Improved cognition
Improved mood
Keeping joints lubricated
Preventing infections
Delivering nutrients to cells
Keeping organs functioning properly

Star Guides is a physically engaging, experiential treatment program. We hold a strong belief that daily
rigorous physical exercise is vital to achieving optimal mental health. Daily exercise includes hiking, stretching/yoga, and the rigors of outdoor living including fire building, and wood collection, digging and shelter set-up. The CDC recommends that adolescent boys need at least 60 minutes or more of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity each day.
The physical and emotional benefits of daily rigrous exercise include:
Brain health: Exercise can improve memory, reduce anxiety and depression, and reduce the risk of
cognitive decline. It also increases oxygen supply to the brain and releases neurotransmitters like
endorphins, endocannabinoids, and dopamine.
Heart health: Exercise can lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, which are risk
factors for heart disease.
Bone and muscle health: Exercise can help prevent age-related muscle loss and build strong bones and
Weight control: Exercise can help with weight control.
Skin health: Exercise can improve skin elasticity and flush out toxins and impurities that can clog pores.
Cancer risk: Exercise can lower the risk of developing at least eight types of cancer.
Diabetes risk: Exercise can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes or diabetes complications.
Overall well-being: Exercise can improve overall well-being.

Star Guides recognizes the importance and value of consistent and sound sleep for achieving optimal
physical and mental health. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that teenagers aged
13–18 years should sleep 8–10 hours per night. Clients are able to consistently achieve this amount of
sleep each night. Sleep is important for teens because they are going through a lot of physical, social,
emotional, and cognitive development. Not getting enough sleep can negatively impact a teens health,
mood, and school performance. It can also increase their risk of depression, anxiety, and low self-
Listed below are reasons why sleep patterns improve while at Star Guides:
- Clients are assisted in creating a consistent pre-bed routine.
- Clients avoid caffeine and energy drinks.
- Clients do not use electronic devices.
- Sleeping conditions are cool, dark, and quiet.
- Clients go to bed tired from the physical rigors of the day.
- Clients are provided between 8 and 10 hours of sleep each night.

Star Guides provides clients with access to ideal outdoor living conditions. With over 300 sunny days per year. Southern Utah’s desert climate, low elevation, and southerly location make it one of the sunniest places in the United States. Sunlight is responsible for helping your body make Vitamin D. This vitamin helps strengthen your bones, blood cells, and immune system It also supports better sleep, improves mood, increases energy, and improves mental health symptoms by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.
Other known benefits include:
- Promoting a sensation of well-being and improving mood.
- Boosting the immune system.
- Relieving pain.
- Promoting relaxation.
- Helping wounds heal.
- Feeling more alert.
- Increasing life satisfaction and reducing depression.
To protect from UV, clients use sunscreen daily and are required to wear full-brim “Boonie” caps that shadow the face and neck.
Social Engagement

Unplugged from technology and residing in a small group setting, Star Guides clients participate in technology free, direct face-to-face communication all day, every day. Themimportance of social interaction cannot be emphasized enough in today’s on-line driven world and Star Guides holds the belief that achieving optimal mental health requires social engagement. Face-to-face social interaction can significantly improve mental health by reducing stress and anxiety, boosting mood, fostering a sense of belonging, and providing a support network; it can also positively impact physical health by lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues, and potentially enhancing immune function.
The benefits of face-to-face social interaction include:
Improved mental well-being: Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, while promoting feelings of happiness and contentment.
Stronger social bonds: Builds trust and deeper relationships through non-verbal cues and genuine connection.
Enhanced cognitive function: Stimulates the brain, potentially reducing the risk of cognitive stagnation by keeping cognitive skills sharp.
Better communication: Allows for clearer understanding through facial expressions, tone of voice, and immediate feedback.
Increased sense of belonging: Feeling connected to others can combat loneliness and isolation.
Improved physical health: May contribute to lower blood pressure, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, and a stronger immune system.
Positive impact on learning: Facilitates collaboration and knowledge sharing, leading to improved learning outcomes.
Greater team cohesion: Enhances cooperation and collaboration within teams.