Technology addictions, sex and the rising generation

Technology addictions, sex and the rising generation

Addiction to the internet, video game addiction and cell phone addiction have become an ever increasing part of our fast paced, technology centered culture. Unfortunately many teens and young adults are drawn in by an obsession with violent video games, pornography or...
Internet Pornography: The new sex ed for teens?

Internet Pornography: The new sex ed for teens?

Is internet pornography providing many of today’s teens with their first lessons in sex education?  Earlier generations, if exposed to porn at all, encountered it through stumbling across magazines or video tapes.  Traditionally, parents had the “Birds and...
Neuroscience, porn and the developing teen brain

Neuroscience, porn and the developing teen brain

Recent research in neuroscience is shedding light on the damaging impact that the use of pornography has on the developing adolescent brain. Because of the ease of access to internet porn, increasing numbers of children and teens are experiencing the negative effects...